While I could bore you with the mundane details of our two very sparsely attended shows (Nashville & Louisville, the former being an in-store, the latter being an early show with a huge music festival going on down the street), I think that my time would be better spent, and you, dear reader, better entertained if I gave you some quotable quotes instead.
1. Lady at Monell's (AMAZING southern food): "I can't have too much sexy, I have to drive later." The dessert at the table, a sort of chocolate eclair type of thing with vanilla pudding, chocolate sauce, and graham crackers, was nicknamed "sexy" by three very southern ladies. They cracked us up all through dinner.
2. Sarah: "Well, you can only be *so* straight in the face of Wolverine." In a conversation about X-Men, Jon mentioned that Hugh Jackman looked so good as Wolverine that it made him question his sexuality for a moment. I can't blame him, dude is HOT. I kind of think Jackman hit is high point in the X-Men movies and should walk around with those chops all the time.
3. Jacque: "If it's not one thing, it's yer mamma!" She was recounting clever things that a lady from Memphis said to her.
4. Scraggly- mulletted dart-playing beer-drinking freako with a very "country" southern accent, about his beer: "I'm gonna set this right here, baby." I should have offered him a stern warning and reminded him that I wasn't his baby, but I was laughing too hard.
I could also write VOLUMES about the hotel we booked for last night (seriously... it was bad. we ended up leaving and they REFUNDED the room price which means it's not the first time someone had to go...). I'll save that for the Drive from Chicago to Pittsburgh, which will be a doozy with all these peeps.
I know there are a lot more, I just can't think of them.
It's hard to keep up a blog when you actually have people to talk to. Or when you're driving.
I've also been really into puns on this tour. I can't think of any of those, either. I think I'm always pretty into puns, though.
Ok, bye.
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