I climbed to the top of the town hall tower yesterday morning after I wrote. It was sweet and not too serious of a climb.
Then I went to the Medieval Crime and Punishment Museum. On display, they had all manner of torture devices including an original iron maiden and an actual drunk tank. It was awesome. They had extensive exhibits on medieval law, signets and seals from people and places around the ol' Holy Roman Empire (so detailed, and some huge!), and miniature reconstructions of towns full of people being hanged, in stocks, on the pillory, or being dunked in water for baking loaves of bread that were too small. Really, really good museum.
Last night I went on the night watchman's tour. It was good. Dude was funny. But perhaps the best part was his accent. He spoke with a sort of German British accent (many people over here speak English with more of a British accent... it's how they are taught in school) that was a cross between Prince Humperdink from The Princess Bride and Alex from A Clockwork Orange with a little Snagglepuss and/or Paul Lynde in there. The accent cracked me up almost more than the jokes.
Anyway, that guy must clean up. He offers two tours per night, at €6/person. In my group, which he said was small, there must have been at least 30 people (probably more), and last night, I saw him leading a group that was probably twice the size of mine. So, on a slow night, he's probably making at least €350, plus he sells a DVD and a booklet. Not bad for 2 hours "work" per night. Maybe he'll be able to get a new halbard someday.
I'm headed to the Czech Republic in a couple of hours. The homeland. I'll have people to talk to again! Yay!
Photos are on hold for the moment... the internet connection here is spotty at best, and I have a TON to upload.
My favorite Iron Maiden song is "Charlotte the Harlot."
Paul Lynde!
Great blog, PR!
There's a similar museum in London, but it was a tad on the cheesy side... leave it to the Germans to have the world's best museum of torture :D
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