Sunday, April 27, 2008

Morning ob der Tauber

I got up way too early, but I imagine you expect that from me.

I walked the city wall and only ran into two other souls while I was at it. The sun came up, I walked some more.

I ended up back in the room, and breakfast is being started downstairs.

I've only had two pangs of "man, I wish there was someone with me." One was when I was eating the pancakes in Amsterdam. The other was yesterday on one of the trains. There was a couple playing cards in the seats in front of me, and I thought, "yes, it would be good to play cards on the train." (And by the way, single seats on one side of the train is GENIUS.)

Maybe it would be different if I had remembered to bring a book. I never got around to actually choosing one before I left home, and in the hurry to get everything done before I left, I forgot to bring a ding dang book. There's a bookshop down the street. Maybe they have something, anything in English.

Still, there's a certain bigness to being over here on my own. A certain reassurance that comes with being able to do whatever whenever I want and not have to consult with anyone.

Besides, I don't know if anyone could take the constant hacking. Well, not constant, but my cough is still hanging around. It seems to have picked up in the last couple of days, perhaps because I didn't go inside of the boat when it got really cold. I don't feel ill, though. I feel fine.

Love and laundry,

1 comment:

Krissy said...

OH PR! I am so happy for you! I wish more than life I could join you for a few days and play some card on the train with you! I miss you tons! Kitty is doing well. She meows at the mirror on the door here and there...I have been spending lots of time upstairs with her. I miss you tons lady bug!